Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Pink Shirt Day

So my friend/co-worker Ben and I were dressed alike today at work. It was a little bit planned. But funny nonetheless. Ben and I first met when we were both living overseas in Turkey. Now we both work at Cornerstone Church. He's a super funny, smart, SINGLE guy . . . . . Anyone????

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Happy Valentine's Day!

OK, so for the first time in many many years, I actually wore red on Valentine's day. I did without the traditional BLACK clothing. One small step for Mandy B, one giant step for single women everywhere!

I worked at a local florist doing deliveries for them. It was so much fun. I loved seeing the reaction of ladies (and a few gents) as they received flowers and goodies from someone who loves them. It was a neat reminder of the spot created in each of us that longs for belonging and love. Sadly, many people don't know that it can only be filled by our Creator, and that only He can completely fill your soul with love for another person because He first loved us.

After working all day giving others flowers, I was certainly thrilled to be showered with a dozen reds of my own . . . . Thanks to my very own Valentine sweetheart!

Friday, February 10, 2006

For the queen

So, today I talked on the phone to my friend Elizabeth in Central Asia and she made me promise to update my blog. Here's a picture of us from days gone by. I don't really have too much to say, but I am true to my word, so here goes.

Elizabeth and Billy are expecting their first baby in a few weeks. Well, we all hope it is quicker than a few weeks, but none of us more than Liz! It is very exciting to know that Billy James Johnson will be a dad. And believe me, that baby girl has him wrapped already! You'll do a great job Billy and Elizabeth. Your little princess is already loved by lots of people!

I'm getting over a cold this week. It took me off guard and put me down for several days. (See how I'm reaching for stuff to blog . . . . )

We have our second game day for Upward Basketball tomorrow. There are 224 players involved this year. It is so much fun. Last week went really well. It is neat to see so many families from outside our church community involved in Upward. It is a cool ministry for our church.

Mark and I are doing great. He is really a gift from God in my life. We've been "dating" now for three months and each day is better than the last!

So, there you go. A little glimpse into my life. Happy Liz?