Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Date Night: Iowa State Fair

Mark and I spent our date night at the Iowa State Fair on Monday. Callen hung out with gal pal Naomi and her awesome family. Here are a few pics from the fun.

This mama llama had a seriously bad hair day.

Mark and the winning GIANT pumpkin.

Just for fun . . . i know, i should have folded my hands.

On the sky lift

Callen with his state fair prize - a Winnie the Pooh won at the Water Gun game.
I LOVE that game!


Nate and Natalie said...

Callen is too cute. However, I LOVE the picture of you and the statue. I couldn't stop laughing.

Mindy said...

It's a good thing you took that Mama Llama's picture. It probably made her day. She just can't help her hair; there are no products out there to put it in it's place; and with hoofed feet- well the whole hairbrush thing is just impossible!