Great news! We had a visit with the Homeward Nurse today and after a week or so of struggling with the eating thing . . . Mr. Callen has now gained back FIVE ounces in two days! Praise the Lord!
We are headed to the lake for a few days so Mark can get some work done up there on a family project. So, no posts until Wednesday or so. We'll leave you with these pictures . . .
Callen at one week . . .

Callen with Grandma Stenberg
Yay for the weight gain! That first week or so can be difficult with eating - are you breastfeeding? sometimes it takes a bit to get the hang of it, but once they do - watch out! He'll be a chub-o in no time! ;-) He's such a sweetie pie!
He is SO cute! I mean, SOO Cute!!! I love love love that red hair. So adorable! Love you.
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